24, 1910
ALLEN, HENRY W. - Troy lost one of her most beloved and highly respected citizens and Miami county one of its most widely known and capable men of affairs when shortly before midnight Monday night Henry W. Allen died at his home on South Market street in Troy. Death resulted from pneumonia with which he had become afflicted a few days before his death and the effects of which had been heightened by a severe spell of hiccoughing resulting in a greatly enfeebled condition. However, for several months previous to the attack of pneumonia Mr. Allen had been in better health than for several years past.
For the past fifteen years Mr. and Mrs. Allen had wintered in the South, but the past winter was spent in Troy in the old homestead and Mr. Allen found it one of the happiest seasons of his life, thoroughly enjoying the old-time winter and its scenes. Christmas was the climax of this happy time for Christmas time as all his children were with him, who with grandchildren and other relatives formed a joyous family gathering of many. Providence had been kind for there had not been a death in the family since the homestead had been built thirty-seven years before. His last days were indeed among his best.
His had been a truly wonderful career, remarkable both on account of the quality of his business acumen, as applied to varied and important enterprises and unusual for the long term of years over which his activities extended. At the time of his death he had almost reached the age of 88 and every one of those years since young manhood had been busy ones.
Henry Ware Allen was born in Pembroke, Massachusetts, April 6, 1822, being the son of the Rev. Morrill Allen, a scholarly minister of the Christian church, whose example and training together with an education acquired in the common schools and at the academy at Hanover resulted in giving the young man a breadth of mind and human sympathy which was a fitting balance to his business genius.
When 26 years of age or in the year 1848, he became imbued with the spirit which in every age turns the young man's ever westward, came to Ohio, and settled at Troy, in whose growth he was to become perhaps the strongest single factor.
His first venture was an investment in a mill, property which was the need or nucleus from which have developed the extensive properties of the Allen & Wheeler company, whose products have made familiar the name of Troy all over this country.
Through this and other manufacturing ventures he became acquainted and earned the respect of the more important business men of this entire section. Consequently he was early called upon to assist in the up-building of the First National bank which had recently been organized and his influence and counsel became so vitally helpful to that institution that in 1865 he was made president of the bank and remained in that position until January of this year when at his own request he retired after a length of service equalled by few financiers in the state. During that period of almost half a century he exercised an oversight and executive management which has made it one of the leading financial establishments of western Ohio.
His busy active life included many other enterprises in which his advice and assistance were often of great benefit. He early showed his faith in Troy and its future by investing largely in real estate and her steady growth has approved his judgment.
His energies were not all devoted to his own private business. He was a citizen always ready to do his part and more than his part in public works. Notwithstanding the pressure of business cares he cheerfully and conscientiously served his city as a member of her council and as a member of the board of education. For several years he was president of that body and took a real interest in the welfare and education of the children of the city.
Despite his wonderful success in worldly affairs Mr. Allen maintained himself true to the standards of moral and ethical ideals with which his early training and associations had imbued him.
He was united in marriage in January 1851 with Mrs. Mary D. Hastings Smith, but within a few months he was called upon to bear with the sorrow of her death. July 7, 1853, he married Pamela Hare Coleman. To this marriage were born ten children; seven of whom survive their father. They are: Henry M., Horace and Charles Allen, Mrs. Alfred Mason, Mrs. Charles Kincaid and Miss Flora Allen, all of Troy, and Mrs. Emma Farmer of Scituate, Mass.
funeral will be held from the residence at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon.
Rev. J. H. Young, former rector of Trinity Episcopal church, and now located
at Tiffin, will officiate. He will be assisted by the Rev. M. J. Miller,
of Genesee, Illinois, former pastor of the Christian church, with which at one
time Mr. Allen was affiliated. Temporarily the remains will be placed in
a public crypt in the public mausoleum in Riverside cemetery awaiting the
construction of a private mausoleum which is to be erected and will be their
final resting place.
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